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Believe in involved parenting? Looking to be an entrepreneur? Connect with us.

Grooming Babies is spreading its roots to cities beyond Mumbai and seek likeminded partners of growth.

If stories, colours, performing arts and trees fascinate you; if you enjoy culture rich events and artistic expressions; if being with children and talking parenting makes you feel fulfilled; if you vision yourself as an entrepreneur of a meaningful business; if building everlasting happy childhood memories excite you; then Grooming Babies belongs to you.

Areas of Business: EduDramas|EduFestivals|EduWorkshops

Grooming Babies Offer:

  • Proven organic growth
  • Content that has been widely enjoyed by children, parents, schools and corporate brands
  • Engagement platforms with unique concept and delivery style
  • Dedicated team experienced to deliver creative content
  • A committed team to coach, train and handhold in all areas of business
  • Complete marketing support and possibility of brand association leverage
  • Established brand identity and reputation